Saturday, October 25, 2014

Jumped from 41 km, broke the record Baumgartner. “I saw the darkness … – TVN 24

Photo: PAP / EPA | Video: ENEX This feat is not sponsored by any company. Eustace refused to even Google to

1322 km / h – a speed that reached the vice president of Google Alan Eustace. 57-year-old started in Roswell, New Mexico, a helium balloon. At an altitude of 41 km has been disengaged from him and surrendered to the free fall. – It was beautiful. I saw the darkness of space, the atmosphere, which I had never seen – he told the man, who was second in the world exceeded the speed of sound while outside the aircraft.

Two years ago, the world record set Austrian Felix Baumgartner, who jumped from less than 40 km in height.

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Lot to the land lasted 15 minutes

The organization was involved in an unusual project staff specialists. For three years, a group of scientists has designed a special suit with a life support system and a parachute and been developing technology bubble.

Alan Eustace took in Roswell, New Mexico. Thanks to a special balloon with helium, at a speed of 30 km / h ascended into the stratosphere. There, at an altitude of over 41 km miniładunki explosives broke the rope connecting Eustace balloon. The man began to fall.

His flight to the ground lasted 15 minutes, with 4.5 minutes was a quiet fall. At its peak Eustace exceed the speed of 1300 km / h.

“I saw a dark


Source: PAP / EPA balloon filled with helium

4.5 minutes before the expected approaching the jumper to the ground technical team, who watched over the course of the stroke, activated a specially designed carbon fiber thread. It was attached to the main parachute, which was to bring Alan Eustace safely to the ground, within a certain radius from the place from which started.

– It was like the wild, wild ride – said after landing on the ground. – I saw the darkness of space, the atmosphere, which I had never seen – he added.

Stunt is not sponsored by any company. Eustace refused to even Google to where he is employed. He did not want media publicity and the fact that his jump dreams was treated as a marketing campaign.

Author: jl // rzw / Source: New York Times


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