College Polonicum currently has the status of a joint research facility of the partner universities.
On Monday, during his speech on the occasion of the inauguration of the new academic year, Vice-Rector. Collegium Polonicum University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Krasowski said that Viadrina and the Adam Mickiewicz University will expand the main organizational framework, examining the possibility of transforming the Collegium in common, international faculty.
– Completion of this work would successfully creating the first time in Europe, the basic unit of the University of cross-border, international and bilateral. As usual in the case of a pioneering project the number of legal, organizational and financial obstacles to overcome is huge. But the experience of twenty years of cooperation between AMU and the Viadrina suggest that the project will be a success – Krasowski said.
Education in Słubicki Collegium Polonicum is currently taking place in eight fields of study, which studied almost 600 students. 25 percent. of them are foreigners: from Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Iraq, China, France, Spain, Lithuania, Slovakia, Vietnam and Pakistan.
In the current academic year in the College Polonicum learning in the first year of full-time and part passed about 200 students. In Slubice AMU conducts studies on political science, national security, Polish philology as foreign, and together with the European University Viadrina in the Germanic philology, law and cultural studies in the field of intercultural communication.
The Collegium Polonicum study also recruited students at the University Viadrina, majoring in Culture and history of Central and Eastern Europe and postgraduate towards protection of European cultural goods.
This year, with the Viadrina were launched two new lines of postgraduate studies in English: International Relations and English Philology and Intercultural Communication in Europe .
Krasowski reminded that pass just two years since the creation of the Polish-German Research Institute in College Polonicum in Słubice. The Institute employs 14 people, but the research projects involved 123 people.
currently being carried out in the 42 research projects in various fields, including dot. comparative legal issues, including the rights of Polish and German border regions or exploring the national and transnational cultural phenomena, with special focus on Polish-German.
So far, the Institute held 10 international conferences, and in the coming year there will be four more. On the implementation of research projects from various Polish and German institutions of its executives gave a total of over 1.2 million zł.
During the inauguration of the Vice-Rector said that the Collegium Polonicum was awarded the title of “University-Friendly Parents” for creating friendly space for parents studying and working scientifically. A few years ago Collegium joined the initiative of the European University Viadrina Mon. “Familiengerechte hochschule” (“University family friendly”). Thus, using the experience of partners across the Oder River has introduced a number of facilities for linking science with custody of the family.
According to authorities, the AMU great opportunity for the development of the university is the concept of learning throughout life, especially in the face of demographic trends implies a rapid aging of the population. As explained by Krasowski University must take on the role and responsibility of coordinating such training.
– This our new role – requiring us forces and means – is not only educational initiatives aimed at school children and seniors. This conduct permanent professional working people, preparing the offer, which will complete or transform existing educational achievements of our graduates. I hope that the Collegium Polonicum will also play this role – added Krasowski.
College Polonicum as a common scientific -badawcza establishment of two partner universities: the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt. Oder began operations in 1991, and the first students słubicka crossed the walls of the university in the academic year 1993-1994. According to the Agreement of 2 October 2002 the responsibility for scientific institution in Słubice rests simultaneously on Polish Republic and the State of Brandenburg.
The main task of the Collegium Polonicum is to promote scientific and cultural cooperation between the Polish and Germans. Since the beginning of university education gave approx. 3,000 people. Over the years, has become a permanent force also small, border Słubice. During the academic year at the College Polonicum, dozens of educational, scientific, cultural and cross-border.

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