Friday, October 24, 2014

Tantalizing SMS from the bank? Soon they will come to notice … – Virtual Poland

On the bank of mobile applications and transactional services use light more than 3 million Poles. This is an opportunity for banks to save on SMS and partial transition to push notifications.

 Information about promotions may be made directly application users by using push notifications, based, inter alia, on the mechanism of geolocation and user behavior data collected by the application. This allows you to customize the messages to the interests of customers, which in turn translates into the effectiveness of marketing activities, conducted with the use of mobile applications. Importantly, notifications are also displayed when the application is not running.

 Mobile applications or websites in the lite version made available the 18 largest banks in Poland. As established service, most of the banking

application used by customers mBank-u, Pekao SA and PKO BP. For many customers mobile banking is the main channel of access to the account and contact the bank.

 Most of the more than 3 mlnw users of mobile banking using mobile applications for operations such as checking account balances and ordering transfers. Some bank mobile applications but offers customers many more features eg. Recommending special offers on shopping in stores, near to the user application.


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