Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Record without a driver – Republic

 Audi without driver sped around the track in Hockenheim Grand Prix

Audi without driver sped around the track Grand Prix Hockenheim

source: press materials

Fully automatic Audi RS7 beat record speed at Hockenheim from Frankfurt. Rushed 240 km / h.

Route passage was completely empty. Running over the track Grand Prix took specially drawn up for the vehicle approx. Two minutes. Similar car, but the man at the wheel, going five seconds longer.

This is not the first time that Audi is engaged in similar races fully automated vehicles. Earlier specially prepared model TT driven route to Pike’s Peak in the USA. Measuring 20 km winding path uphill drivers requires considerable skill. Good racing driver passes this route in approx. 17 minutes.

Audi TT equipped with the “brain” developed by researchers at Stanford University then drove less than a man. Machine was compared to an expert pace “walking” – 27 minutes. The maximum speed reached on the route is approx. 190 km / h. Record on the track at Frankfurt proves that these engineers are not wasting a couple of years.

But the record breaking speed or lap time car without the driver was not the purpose Audi engineers. They wanted to convince the audience that automatic cars are just as reliable as usual – with the driver behind the wheel.

– Cars with an automatic pilot useful for example in traffic jams. If the same driver is not focused on driving, auto can do a few things for him – says Dr. Horst Glaser with Audi. – In addition, the driver has a chance to relax. Which means that if the situation really

so requires, the man will be rested and ready.

Experimental machine is equipped with a set of video cameras, laser range finders and radar. It also uses the GPS of course. Brain – computer analyzing data and control car – is located in the trunk. Like the Audi TT, the engineers responsible for the RS7 are not able to influence the track. When the cars will move on the track, people can just push a button absolutely stop the car.

Audi is one of several companies interested in autonomous cars. Their ideas shows featuring Mercedes and BMW, and Volvo. Advanced work on the cars of everyday use do not require a driver runs a Japanese Toyota. Even a niche manufacturer of exclusive electric cars – American Tesla – equipped its new model in some of the functions that automate driving.

The most advanced program of research, however, has not carmaker, but … Internet company. Google ran earlier experience with toyotami, audi and leksusami, and recently demonstrated self-designed minisamochodzik quite devoid of the steering wheel and pedals.

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