Tuesday, October 21, 2014

During the annual gala handed the young outstanding scientists … – Politics

Wallets POLICY hit the hands of young researchers: five winners of the main prize (which we present on the next page) – received 30 thousand. zł – and ten other finalists (10 thousand. zł). It’s been 14 years since the launch of our campaign. It’s 242 award-winning scientists. This is the sum of 5.7 million zł – but the foundation of our weekly managed to gather and distribute among people who have already uncommon achievement, and yet are usually only at the life and career run.

The ceremony has a special character. It is widely accepted that in the editorial that day gather professorship and personalities from both chapters, sponsors from business, TVP cameras and radio microphones. She was with us the Minister of Science Lena Kolarska-Bobińska. But come too Fellows from previous years (one of them gives a lecture – this year prof. Assoc. Dariusz Jemielniak L. Kozminski Academy spoke about specific social environment that create Wikipedians). And the winners are accompanied by tutors, friends, loved ones, children.

Prizes are awarded in five categories, one of which was called “the science of life,” including her biological and medical sciences. This year, this category could be extended to almost all areas, the choice was in fact on the four scientists who are very close to life – dealing with the burning issues of the day: the aging of the city (urban planning and architecture), young families (demographics), colorectal cancer (medicine) , the use of modern techniques in medical diagnostics (computer science). However, it is among the winners and mathematician dealing with the theory in its purest form. Sam says he is looking for beauty in mathematics, so it was more an art than a science, and he is considered to be more artist than the researcher.

This bold to say that. But boldness is a fundamental feature of all our winners. Audacity to seek answers to questions that – as he said on behalf of the Chapter civic Krzysztof Zanussi – committed to every thinking person. Boldness in crossing the barriers between the various fields of human knowledge. Boldness is still the same choice: to be a scientist. At least at

the beginning is the uncertainty, career, income. So we try our awards give a clear signal: what you do is important. A way in which you live, is valuable. Therefore boldness

Arts and Humanities

Dr. Ing. arch. Agnieszka Labus
Year 1986, Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban and Spatial Planning Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology

There urbanistką dealing with the issues of urban renewal through the prism of demographic processes. Her thesis, on the concept of urban renewal in the twenty-first century Europe. As a good place for older people, in order to elaborate spatial issues in Poland’s first strategic document for the Malopolska region. Dr. Labus is respected and award-winning expert in, and its activities like mission to the needs of the ever-growing numerically generations of older people.

Technical Sciences

Dr. Ing. Michael Crow
Year 1980 Head of the Department of Intelligent Systems at the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics School of Life Sciences

Modern medicine suffers from a peculiar curse of abundance – the ease of obtaining digital images of tissue affected by the disease goes beyond the ability of their analysis. Unfortunately, in this area there is no means universal. They must be individually adapted and profiled. With the help of doctors patomorfologom come so computers with software characterized by a certain intelligence and ability to learn from examples. This is what, in application to cancer, dealing with Michael Crow. It moves smoothly on the crossroads of three disciplines – medicine, mathematics and science. And the border is now one of the most interesting areas of scientific exploration.


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