Sunday, October 26, 2014

Alan Eustace broke the record Baumgartner. Assaulted with 41 … –

             Agency photo: PrintScreen YouTube

Without the media hype, beyond the glare of camera lights journalism. Alan Eustace, Google senior vice president broke the record for the highest parachute jump established Felix Baumgartner in 2012. Unlike its predecessor, Eustace nagłaśniał not the case. Jump took place over New Mexico.

The 51-year-old vice president of Google jumped from 41 420 meters. Dressed in a specially designed suit raised to a height of 41 km using a balloon.

The new record fell by 15 minutes. After 4 and a half minutes of freefall parachute opened. At its peak sped toward the ground at a speed of 1300 km / h!

                 Author: J. M



                         Photo: printscreen

                         Agency photo: PrintScreen YouTube

                 Published: 10/26/2014 9:43

                 Update: 26/10/2014 9:45


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