One common Spotify account at home is poor, but cheap idea. The trouble starts when you want to use the recommendations or observing people. Then it gets messy, because my dad gets recommendations prepared for the 10-year-old daughter, a mother may encounter updates very far from her liking. No and in addition you can listen on only one device at a time. The row ready.
Of course Spotify would like to each inmate had his own account. For a family of four is nearly 80 zł per month. Too much. The company therefore decided to introduce a package of Spotify Family, for which you pay cheaper and easier.
The main account costs as much as before. Each subsequent (up to 4) dołączaone the package has to be about half price. Although there is currently no official Polish prices, all indicate that the main account pay 19,90 zł, and for each additional about 10 zł. So our family of 4 instead of approx. 80 zł pay approx. 50 zł. Everyone will have their own playlists, recommendations, the observed person. And all accounts are paid together.
It sounds very good. Too well. Because Spotify, like all the other music streaming services, for little pay
I assume that in Excel accounting Spotify paying subscriber growth in the package Family compensate by half lower price 4 5 subscriptions. Sure Deezer, Wimp and perhaps Google Play Music will follow the same path, to remain competitive. I hope it all goes well, the artists get more money and streaming services will live happily ever after.
Because for me access to the entire database for 10 zł Spotify is an excellent opportunity. But I’m afraid that this time could slightly overdo it.
Family Spotify is not yet available in Poland, but – as we found out – “will be made available gradually across all markets in the coming weeks”.

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