Sunday, October 12, 2014

ESA has selected landing on Mars in 2018 – Polish Radio

project ExoMars mission of ESA and Roskosmos, will start in January 2016 then to be launched probe Trace Gas Orbiter orbital and lander test Schiaparelli, which reach Mars. The next step will be to send a rover in 2018. The device will land in January 2019.

ESA has a lot of time, but you have already selected potential landing sites for the second stage of the mission. Considered eight proposals were selected four: Mawrth Vallis, Oxia Planum, Hypanis Vallis and Aram Dorsum.

All are located near the Martian equator. The choice is not accidental. – Currently, the surface of Mars is a hostile life, but primitive

forms could exist there, when the climate was warmer – says Jorge Vago ESA. This could take place 3.5-4 billion years ago.

Scientists will test it, drilling in the rocks and exploring the rustic clay clay minerals, which suggest the former presence of water. Now scientists will carry out simulations to to establish that where the best land.

(ew / PAP / ESA)


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