Tuesday, October 28, 2014

State of the art telescopes and new jobs for Polish … – News 24

Polish scientists by just signed the agreement will have access to the largest and most advanced telescopes in the world.

 / Photo. To ESO (http://www.eso.org/public/images/lso-sest2/) [CC-BY-3.0 (http: // creativecommons. org / licenses / by / 3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is one of the world’s largest research organizations of the universe through the giant telescopes. It was created in 1962. It brings together 14 European countries and Brazil. Its main mission is to observe the universe with the Earth’s surface, and the construction of giant telescopes, which Member States can not build yourself. The organization has three observatories located in Chile: La Silla mountain, Paranal and Chajnantor plateau. Today, ESO is building a groundbreaking instrument – the European Extremely telescope – which I provide scientists, opens new possibilities observation.

As pointed out by the Minister of Science and Higher Education prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska during today’s ceremony, signing a contract is an extremely important moment for Polish: “accession will

complete the Polish membership in CERN and the European Space Agency.’ll Get the opportunity to fully participate in the studies using the world’s finest instruments of observation” – reported rmf24.pl for PAP.

Polish scientists will participate in the preparation of the work of the entire organization, and the board of ESO sit two Poles, who will deal with, among others, setting the organization’s strategy for the coming years. Professor Cycling-Bobińska also draws attention to the economic benefits. In her opinion, Polish entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to sign contracts worth 10-20 million euros. Joining ESO is also new jobs for public sector professionals and specialists.

The agreement was signed by Minister of Science and Higher Education prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska and ESO’s Director General Professor. Tim de Zeeuw. Now it must be ratified by the parliament, and the president Bronislaw Komorowski.

The annual premium that will be paid as a member of the ESO Poland will reach 4 million.

See also: Polish pols Space Agency rise in Gdansk


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