Friday, October 31, 2014

Bookmark Manager – a new version of bookmarks for the browser … –

In May of this year, Google presented the first version of Google Stars tabs for easy management. A few days ago a new application went to the store Google Play – is, however, available under a different name.

Bookmark Manager (Bookmarks Manager) is a kind-hearted old bookmarks invented anew. There are more modern and probably more convenient to use.

you install in the address bar of the page you get an asterisk. Click it adds a page to your bookmarks, also allows you to manage them. Each of the added pages displayed as a colored rectangle. When you hit it in a new tab opens hyperlinked page. Slightly below is a description of, and the right side of the little icon. Use it, you can open the tab, select (eg. In order to transfer or otherwise), edit (change the description). The order of the bookmarks can also be changed – just click, hold and move the mouse.

You can also share bookmarks – to the small icon in the upper right year. You can create a special public folder to which you will be able to look our friends. New tool – like the old – also allows you to create folders and move tabs between them.

src=",Menadzer-Zakladek-Google-Chrome.jpg" title=" Menada & # x17C; er Zak & # x142; cover- Google Chrome ">

Fig. Google

The new tab unless I miss thumbnails of pages in the previously added bookmarks. Despite all the short tests I can say that the new manager bookmarks I like it more than its previous version.

Instead of such an interface …

The old plant manager & # x142; cover- Chrome Fig. Internet

… you can use this:

Fig. Google

According to the website TechCrunch to add the correct Bookmarks Manager may require updating Chrome.


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