Monday, October 27, 2014

PGA 2014 – the game of great emotion –

2014-10-27 15:59

Author: Maciej Gajewski

They were tears of defeat after losing the challenge tournament and shouts of joy of winning! She was a rivalry in cyberpojedynku and euphoria, which with nothing can compare. We already know that it was exactly 59 400 evidence that the game was a great excitement winning! Who won?

It ended up absolutely the biggest giant gaming event in Poland, which both visitors, exhibitors and organizers provided many exciting experiences, thus proving that the Poles love to create, play and have fun. Why has this year’s edition of Poznan Game Arena will go down in history as this ,, most “?

First, visitors

In the 10-year history of the PGA has rained a lot records, but this year will long remain in the memory of all the participants. The expected and very optimistic number of visitors has been verified by an even more joyful reality. – We kept our fingers crossed for a 50-thousandths of a bunch of crazy players, while they made us an amazing surprise – says Lukasz Wołonkiewicz, director of Poznań Game Arena. – With great joy I announce that this year we were visited by 59 400 people, which from this point I would like to thank you very much! That’s what you are creating this amazing atmosphere, this is for you we strive to develop and propose an event unique. Therefore, it is you care about most, and your safety was, is and will be our top priority. I sincerely hope that the two-hour delay in the sale of tickets will be for you, dear players, wonderful visitors fully understood – Luke continues Wołonkiewicz. – All those who stress przysporzyliśmy very sorry, and at the same time guarantee that today we have learned from the situation appropriate proposals – heavy warfare.

Saturday complications, however, were not sufficient reason to visitors lost their enthusiasm to play. All three days of the event proved to be phenomenal, and the spontaneity and openness multimedia entertainment fans allowed to play hundreds of tournaments, give away thousands of prizes and ultimately win the game with great emotions.

Second exhibitor

Never before in the history of the PGA exhibitors did not come so prepared! A total of 105 companies in four exhibition halls moved greatest audience multimedia entertainment to an entirely different world. Each booth is a separate story, the co-authors were visitors. It is thanks to their openness exposure to world-class full of life, becoming the greatest

attraction. Inestimable power of attracting visitors were obviously topped tournaments often very valuable prizes.

Traditionally, the International Fair Acanthus Aureus award honored those stands that are presented to be extremely attractive. After receiving the statuettes appeared on stage by representatives of companies ASUS POLAND, FAT OWL, HAMANN POLAND, INTEL, LG POLAND, STEEL SERIES, TECHLAND and XBOX. Also, turkeys have their distinctions. PGA Awards for best stand Indie Games received invaluable and crazy SOS. The award for the best presentation Indie Games went to John Reinhardt of TRI GAME.

The most important thing is that, thanks to the involvement nieprzeciętnemu exhibitors, players were able to penetrate into the cyberworld through 700 prepared positions, which as usual were mass crowded. – are changing and developing for the public, which depends on the satisfaction of our most – says Dariusz Wawrzyniak, deputy director of Poznań Game Arena. – Compared to last year, the number of jobs increased by almost 100 percent. precisely, to the satisfaction of participation in the biggest Polish festival of players was even more – explains.

Third event

Two vibrant scene – big and small, Mobile Zone, Zone of Independent Creators Games, tournaments of international importance, and among them even Cybersport League Final and the Rumble in the West, record PC PC Gaming Congress, pre-screenings of games, among others, The Witcher III and of course beat the Guinness world record in the longest game that most likely will end up a huge success. Where to start?

Zone of Independent Creators Game – the second edition, another great success. Zone was put into as many as 44 teams, not only Polish, but also from Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and France. Their amazing idea met with an equally enthusiastic reception. He knows that, inter alia, Best Toilet Games studio, the booth where you could sit on

the toilet authentic and test the latest proposals for games that are not only a way to boredom.

Rumble in The West – great excitement and proportional reward! World-class tournament began on Saturday, 25.10. an impressive stand of Wargaming ESL, which had a population of 300 sq trifle. The total prize pool amounted to US $ 50 000, and half of it, or the grand prize garnering Schoolbus European team. The competition on the European side took part in addition Virtus.PRO team and represented the American front The Cunninghams and BurnAll Empires.

The premiere of The Witcher III – the moment you’ve all been waiting for. First came the band Percival, introducing the audience to the ethnic climate Vikings and Slavs. Later, he appeared … Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf, which is already the third part of a series ,, The Witcher “. The visitors, however, had the PGA unique opportunity to see how the game designers repeal the curtain. Curiosity could also meet at the booth CD Projekt Red. – So far, both games sold more five million copies. That’s a pretty good result, but we assume that the third part of the series will enjoy even greater interest. The latest part of ourselves we want to raise the bar a sales – said Adam Kiciński , head of CD Projekt.

Intel – another successful show . Partner titular PGA allowed players to test the latest mobile devices, unveiled a demonstration hardware overclocking, but primarily organized tournaments for which no takers missing. The most exciting proved to be a chance to check out a challenge to the pro kuben. – We want to exchange the player’s image in the eyes of the Poles. We want to show that the player is not just a teenage boy who sits in front of a computer with pizza, no interest and playing violent titles to the death – explained Kornaszewski Julius, Julius CEE PR Manager, Intel. – Yes there is, and together with the community of players that show. Games develop, provide entertainment and integrate the community. They carry with them a number of undeniable advantages, which we want to present to a wider audience .

Xbox and Microsoft – the latest titles in a good edition . During the three exhibition days, players can try their hand playing Forza Horizon 2. There was also a visiting position with games that use Kinect sensor for Xbox One, including Dance Dance Central Kinect Sports Sports Spotlightoraz Rivals.Na area were also available SunsetOverdrive pre-release (available from October 30) and, in collaboration with Ubisoft, the latest part of the series Assassins’sCreed Unity (available from November 14).

Exit Game Creators – global level and records of popularity . This year’s speakers were: Personalities such as Reiner Knizia (creator of more than 600 board games), Maciej Miąsik (India Game Developer), Jacek Glowacki (Indietrendy / Onet), Krzysztof Maliński (huuuge Games), Daniel Sadowski (Nitreal Games), and Johannes RiadDjemili Kristmann (MaschinenMensch ), Artur Ganszyniec (ATGames), and Jacob ErwanBancal Rokosz (CD Projekt RED), Michal Marcinkowski

(Transhuman Design), VladMicu (Critical Force Entertainment). Delighted the audience, excellent selection of topics and an optimistic outlook for the future – so the shortest could be summed up this phenomenal event.

ESL Poland – again active on the PGA . This time it appeared on the stands of the ESL Intel, Logitech, Crytek, Guijin, Nvidia and Wargaming, which took place among Cybersport League finals, game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Warface, War Thunder, Titanfall and Borderlands2, DyingLight and many others.

Fourth appetite for more!

This year’s PGA twice more exhibitors, twice more posts to games and much more attendance and exhibition space. All this shows how much potential lies dormant in this wonderful event, where the common denominator is a huge passion and utter madness giant gaming. Playing with great excitement proved to be victorious, and its another round of waiting for us in a year, from 16 to 18 October 2015. See you there!

Fifthly, stand CHIP

Also in our country do not run many attractions and great guests. But more about that … we’ll tell you soon, in a separate text: -)


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