When two years ago, Felix Baumgartner has pursued his stratospheric jump from a balloon sponsoring this event Red Bull made sure by week the media did not speak about anything else. Meanwhile, on October 24, without much fanfare, Alan Eustace broke the record Baumgartner and jumped from a height of about 2 km more. How was the jump and prepare for it?
The dream of an engineer
Alan Eustace is 57 years old, and behind a beautiful career in Silicon Valley. He has worked Compaq, and then HP’s Western Research Laboratory, but in 2002 decided to join the take momentum Google, where work to date as vice president, responsible for research. 57-year-old daredevil is not a random man who suddenly decided to fulfill his whim.
In addition to working on Google, Alan Eustace is also a parachute jumper remote control, and prepare for the jump took him three years. This was necessary because of the need to refine the suit jumper supplied by ILC Dover, which produces, among others, elements spacesuits.
Another balloon in Roswell
helped in the people associated, among others, NASA and Taber MacCallum, one of the originators of the experiment, called Biosphere 2,
Roswell symbolic place. For some – evidence of secret government conspiracies and the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. For others, it is rather a monument to human gullibility, telling secrets traced back to where the explanation is obvious. Why since 1947 Roswell has become so familiar and what was really happening? READ MORE
whose goal was to create a
Alan Eustace reached a record high not – as Baumgartner – on board the capsule, but suspended directly below the balloon . Helium balloon launched from Roswell, New Mexico – the town famous for an alleged incident involving a UFO (more on this topic can be found in the article “On the trail of conspiracy Majestic 12. What really happened in Roswell?”).
Alan Eustace suspended under Balloon
Jump from 41 km
After reaching the height of 41.4 km miniature pyrotechnic charge daredevil separated from its supporting harness it. Eustace fell about 15 minutes , of which the first 5 without an open parachute, exceeding the speed of sound.
It is worth mentioning that Alan Eustace financed his jump from its own funds . While Google offered him support, Alan refused saying he does not want to change the implementation of the dreams of life in the marketing project. The record jump is part of a larger project called Paragon Stratex, whose goal is to develop solutions that allow for manned exploration of the stratosphere at altitudes exceeding 30 kilometers.

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