Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Google wants to fight the cancer with a special band – News 24

Google is working on creating a band with a sensor that would detect cancerous lesions by monitoring nanoparticles in the human body.

 / Fig. Fot.Robert Scoble / (CC BY 2.0) / Flickr for a special band with a sensor detected not only tumors, but also approaching heart attack, stroke and many other diseases at a much earlier stage than is currently possible.

The band worn on the wrist will contain a sensor that will monitor the nanoparticles in the body. These, in turn, will go into the bloodstream

through the ingestion of pills. In this way, the device detects small variations in cancer cells before they become a serious problem.

Google Experts say the cancer cells in the human body can be seen much earlier, even when CT and MRI does not show yet no change – gives

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