Monday, October 13, 2014

Carl Zeiss revealed VR One – the new VR goggles. Another. Who is … – Gadzeto Mania

The German company Carl Zeiss, specializing in the production of optical equipment, decided to join the producers of VR goggles. The device, called VR One looks fine, but does not disclose any function that wyróżniłaby this device on the market. Produce what is the point of such equipment

the VR One, a virtual reality goggles from Zeiss

the VR One at first glance much like equipment, recently unveiled by Samsung and like Gear VR are simply housing for your smartphone , which the user places before his eyes.

In contrast to Korean equipment, designed to work with Note’em 4, German goggles have to be compatible with smartphones with screens 4.7 – 5.2 inches . Despite some room for maneuver choice will be initially limited to the Galaxy S5 and iPhone 6.

Phone will be placed in goggles with a special, dedicated to a specific model of the drawer. In practice, this means that if in the future you change your phone, you’ll need to buy him a new drawer for 9.9 dollars.

While this will be available, because Carl Zeiss (actually ZEISS, because the brand of the German company promotes) has already announced that the release of drawers for other phone models will depend on demand , reported by customers.

ZEISS: “Everyone has the VR goggles, mami me!”

Looking at this model I find it hard to hide his skepticism. I feel that the VR goggles have become a fetish that everyone has to have . Any manufacturer, because for now I do not see

that customers en masse threw themselves on these devices.

For this shown by the next business models are simply boring – all over the world, all mass design headsets holders for smartphones and present them as “VR goggles.” Calling the device “next rival Oculus” is in my opinion a big abuse – despite the external similarity is a different product category.

Maybe I’m blind and can not see anything, what the creators of this equipment is obvious, but for now the only advantage of such goggles I think the low price . It is no different in the case of VR One – 99.9 dollars. is the amount reasonable, even when we remember that the VR goggles, we have almost for free using Google’s udostępnionemu Cardboard project.

I would like to be stressed that I am far from criticizing in particular Carl Zeiss – the company is doing what a lot of others before her, and it is difficult to blame. I do not think, however, that shown by its device on the market accounted for any change. Another VR goggles using smartphones? It is rather is not virtual revolution , for which we wait.

We are waiting

In this article I used the information from the website, Engadget, Wired, Total 3D Solutions and Gizmodo.


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