According to Professor Andrew Oswald, who led the study, the overall level of happiness has little to do with wealth, the accumulation of material goods, or even the weather, because people with a shorter variant of the gene regulating the secretion of serotonin are more prone to sadness than in those in which this gene is longer.
The longest variant of the gene, the researchers observed in the Danish and Dutch, short of Britons and Americans, and the shortest in French. Hence the conclusion that the British and Americans, despite a stable system of government and a thriving economy will be unhappy even if they are rich, live in a warm country and live to a hundred years, because they are genetically programmed to gloomy.
“Genetics is not the only factor in determining the overall level of happiness in a person. The chemical processes in the brain also influence health status, lifestyle, political climate in the country” – said Oswald, “The Times”.
University of Warwick study was prepared at the request of Council. Research in Social and Economic (abbreviated ESRC), dealing with the separation of public funds for research. David Cameron’s government has plans to create a facility to investigate the impact of the government’s actions, eg. Public spending cuts, austerity and reform of the public health service, the level of happiness of citizens.
Center, headed by Lord O’Donnell able, to help the government in policy formulation. Office for National Statistics (ONS) has developed a methodology for measuring the well-being of the British and will publish relevant data.
Serotonin is an important hormone secreted by the hypothalamus (part of the subcortical brain), acting as a so-called. neuromediator, which transmits information between brain cells. Acts as an antidepressant, generally affects the sense of satisfaction, and additionally regulates the digestive system.
In people with low serotonin levels are often observed psychological “hole”, which is usually the result of stress and sadness, prone to aggression, lack of appetite or the opposite – overeating (especially sweets, because sugar is necessary for the production of serotonin).
Deficiency of this hormone can cause a tendency to obsession, anxiety and depressive states. High levels of serotonin, readily volatile, occurs in love.

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