Sunday, October 26, 2014

successful test of SpaceX – Pulse Business

The unmanned Dragon capsule with a parachute landed in the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico’s Baja peninsula after returning from the space station. The thing took place on Saturday 25 October. Earlier in the day the capsule detached from the International Space Station with a loaded mass of about 1500 kg designed for NASA. It included, among others, valuable scientific specimens.

Located in California, the company Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) Dragon vehicle launched Sept. 21 from Cape Cape Canaveral, Florida. It was the fifth delivery of the goods by the Dragon. The current landing due to bad weather it was delayed by four days.

As reported

by the AP service, NASA, or the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration is working and paying companies SpaceX and Orbital Sciences Corp. for supplying the station located on the Earth’s orbit. So far, only the first of these companies is able to carry loads both in one and in the other side intact

On Monday is scheduled cargo flight vehicle Orbital, which is due to start from Wallops Island, Virginia.


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