Kindle reader users noticed a few days ago that the books electronically transmitted to the reader not reach him. The problem coincided with the introduction of new rules by Amazon. Until now, Cloud Drive, Amazon’s virtual drive, was free. With the “Send to Kindle” so would send an e-book at the same time in two places: into the cloud Cloud and on your Kindle account.
However, Amazon has decided to introduce a fee for Cloud Drive – it is no longer free. Users could therefore think that they have lost the ability to store books in the cloud. Some of them are considered: no nicely, Amazon forced to pay for the cloud – because the service Send To Kindle works in the cloud, after all, and for that you have already paid for.
However, it turned out a misunderstanding. Inability to send service books Send To Kindle was a failure – probably resulting from changes in the system.
Cloud Drive is for us still free. Uploads appear on the main screen, of course, the Kindle. For example, this morning I got a new number Gazeta Wyborcza sent from Publio. Files get it, by far, the two “clouds”. First, the Kindle account to which you log on the website Amazon. You have to turn back “Docs” and then copy the file is stored in the Amazon Cloud Drive, in the folder “My Send-to-Kindle Docs”. – Explains
Kindle reader users still have a free account Cloud Drive (fees were introduced just for other consumers), they can still pass the book to the reader remotely, still gets a copy of the book on Cloud Drive (to a separate folder).
It turns out that the problems with the operation of the service “Send to Kindle” we decided prematurely, and not only we, for changing the rules. All interested apologize for misleading.

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