Amazon Kindle manufacturer, is the largest bookstore in the world. But so what, since books in Polish is in it as much as the cat wept. Books in our language easier and more convenient to us to buy a native of electronic bookstores. But Amazon is hindering us a little reading such books. Why?
Well, now today introduced charges for the use of the Amazon Cloud Drive . Perhaps you think you do not ever with this cloud of you use – and that’s a mistake. If you sent at least once any file on the Kindle – book or PDF, then it is stored there. So far, Amazon gave us free disk space in 5GB. Now a free option disappears, there are two paid:
-1 option in the disk can store unlimited number of photos. Disk capacity on the rest of the files is 5 GB. Price – $ 11.99 per year. So a little less than 4 gold per month . The first three months of use we have for free.
option -2- in the disk capacity is infinite, you can store any amount of all documents. Price – $ 59.99 a year, or less than 20 per month . The first three months of use we have for free.
And what does this mean for us? If you do not use the Kindle – nothing will change. If you use – without buying one of the options Drive you will not be able to send to the reader of books purchased in bookstores other than Amazon . You’ll still be able to to load the files to Kindle via USB . It will not sync the books between different devices.
Such movement Amazon gets to fight with entities such as Dropbox or Google Drive OneDrive. And we, the users of Kindle, got the rebound.

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