Thursday, March 19, 2015

Solar eclipse in Poland today. Next these only for … – Polish Radio

When the weather is good solar eclipse visible will be 20 in March. This phenomenon in the Polish sky will be observed for the first time in four years.

Eclipse will start at 9.47 and maximum phase will cover the sun with a 10.56 . Solar eclipse ends seven minutes after the hour 12. In some regions will be obscured by nearly 80 percent. solar shield.

Charles Wojcicki of the Copernicus Science Centre said in a radio Jedynka that eclipse but you have to przypatrzeć well, because there will be not so obvious. Expert explains that the difference in zaświetleniu becomes really noticeable for our eyes only at 90 percent, just before the total phase.

The only patch of land, which will be You can see the total eclipse will Faroe Islands and Spitsbergen. – However, the weather statistics show that this time there just is not possible. So you should be in Poland and observe the eclipse of a fairly large phase – from 0.6 in the vicinity of the south-eastern Polish – somewhere in the Bieszczady Mountains, to 0.8 – a fairly deep eclipse – near Szczecin and Swinoujscie – Charles Wojcicki said.

Next so deep in our country eclipse will be seen only in 2026 years.

How to observe in eclipse?

This phenomenon is best observed through telescopes with solar filters or through special glasses. Observing the Sun with the naked eye may cause permanent damage to eyesight. By sunglasses, you can look at most for a short time.

Charles Wojcicki adheres to the observation of a solar eclipse protect your eyes. Best to use special filters, including the so-called Baader film. – It folijka like film in which pack a sandwich. The stores astronomical partier to buy it for 5-10 gold – he said. In one hundred percent, it protects the eyes.

solar eclipse observed when the Moon fully or partially message sun. The fact that in Poland we will see a partial eclipse does not mean that in other places on Earth,

the view will be the same.

The total solar eclipse in Poland will have to wait 120 years to October 2135 year.

– In theory, during the year across the planet can be seen from two to five solar eclipses, of which a maximum of three can be total eclipses. In Poland, the last total solar eclipse could be observed in 1954, but only with a small piece of land in the vicinity of Suwalki – Wojcicki said.

This year, a partial solar eclipse falls on the same day, at the beginning of astronomical spring. It will begin in the chair. 23.45 on Friday, when the Sun is in Aries point. Since the spring equinox until the beginning of astronomical autumn in September, days are longer than nights.

Ideal conditions for observation

This time the weather does not thwart plans for astronomy enthusiasts in Poland. During a partial solar eclipse in almost all over the country the sky will be clear.
duty forecaster says the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Maria Waliniowska the morning more clouds may appear only on Podkarpaciu, but there should not interfere with the observations.

Sky Planetarium Copernicus,, IAR, PAP, bk


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