Thursday, March 19, 2015

What about the free Windows 10? – Politics

First we heard that Microsoft, from the first decades long fight on the front of the market “pirated” software, intends to extend amnesty to people using illegal copies of the Windows operating system – the version of the popular “Seven” up.

That would be an act of grace with the highly anticipated release of the next edition of the flagship product of the company from Redmond: Windows 10 (this year, probably in the summer – the date is not yet known). Well, anyone who uses the “pirate” copies of Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, could legally upgrade to Windows 10.

Some went to hell, which is easy to understand. After entering the page One The popular online shop today, I am greeted by a cheerful word “Promotion”. Windows 8.1 was staniało of 429 zł to 399 zł (Windows 8.1 Pro keeps the price, trifle, 1049 zł). If I, tempted by “chance”, bought the software yesterday, after yesterday’s advertisement of Microsoft would feel as if someone shot me in the face stale fish.

To make matters worse, the promise of amnesty would mean solicitations honest people to cunning. Because who wants to be a heavy loser, paying today for something that the manufacturer will give away for free in a few months.

A service seemed discourteous Microsoft . Quite unfair to honest buyers. But in its own way logical. In the days of the offensive of free operating systems is increasingly difficult to compete for market share.

However, Microsoft quickly issued a statement which strongly tones yesterday sensation. Does anyone out there at the last minute senses whether to blame the editors of the first version of a fatal message as a result of which all as one in reading it incorrectly – it’s irrelevant. It is important that today amnesty for “pirates” speech does not exist.

I still agree that

users of illegal version of Windows 7 and later will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 by connecting to the official Microsoft servers. The thing that obtained in this way Windows 10 does not gain legal status license!

This means that these illegal Windows 10 will not be supported by the authors (bugfix “patches”, driver updates etc.) in the light of the letter of the law is still Programs “pirate.”

What gets Microsoft? Windows 10 larger share of the market. And hope that the owners of “pirated” copy of the operational program, for greater convenience and a clean conscience, with time legalize them through Microsoft’s online store.


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