Friday, March 20, 2015

Google Doodle welcomes spring and eclipse – Polish Radio

On Friday morning you can see the solar eclipse, Poland – partially. Next so deep eclipse in our country will only be in 2026., And the total in 2135 was. In the late Friday evening and start astronomical spring.
The solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, totally or partially obscuring the sunlight reaching the planet. It is against this phenomenon we have to deal March 20. In Poland, will be able to enjoy the partial eclipse of the Sun, in some regions will be obscured by nearly 80 percent. solar shield.
only a strip of land from which you can see the total eclipse will Faroe Islands and Spitsbergen. – However, the weather statistics show that this time there just is not possible. So you should be in Poland and observe the eclipse of a fairly large phase – from 0.6 in the vicinity of the south-eastern Polish – somewhere in the Bieszczady Mountains, to 0.8 – a fairly deep eclipse – near Szczecin and Swinoujscie – Charles Wojcicki said Science Center Copernicus.

Solar eclipse in Poland today. Next such only after 11 years & gt; & gt; & gt;
In Poland, the eclipse will begin at. 9.43. Phase reaches a maximum of about 10.52, and ends just after the hour. 12. – Last so big we could observe a partial eclipse in January 2011 – reminded Wojcicki. Next observers of this phenomenon in Poland will be able to watch in August 2026 year, but the effect will not be as spectacular as it starts shortly after the time of 19. But if someone would go if eg. To Spain, Iceland and Greenland, will be able to see them total eclipse.
in Poland and at the total solar eclipse will have to wait 120 years to October 2135 year. – In theory, during the year across the planet can be seen from two to five solar eclipses, of which a maximum of three eclipses can be integers. In Poland, the last total solar eclipse could be observed in 1954, but only with a small piece of

land in the vicinity of Suwalki – said Wojcicki.
to observe solar eclipses do not need a telescope, or any professional equipment, because the phenomenon is visible to the naked eye. – Care should be taken to secure such an eye and use special filters that protect us from harmful radiation coming from the sun. Besides image of the Sun just worth obscure, because its light also may adversely affect our eyes – he stressed. This year
partial solar eclipse falls on the same day, at the beginning of astronomical spring. It will begin in the chair. 23.45 on Friday, when the Sun is in Aries point. Since the spring equinox until the beginning of astronomical autumn in September, days are longer than nights.

PAP, bk


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