Friday, March 27, 2015

They have 140 characters is not enough. Surprising news from Twitter –

Twitter has released a new application called Periscope . Allows broadcast “live” video to the selected profile followers on twitter. The transmission is in a sense an interactive, because the recipient can transmit it to comment, ask questions, etc.

The Periscope is a separate application (available at the moment iOS), but it is closely linked to the twitter account.

The recording released by means of applications is available for 24 hours, then is removed from the server. You can also choose to delete it immediately after transmission. Periscope also allows you to manually specify the audience – then the transmission will not be addressed to all followers, but only to the elect.

The acquisition creates Periscope, which took place two weeks ago, is a sign that Twitter is looking for new forms of expression for its users. All online social networking record rise in popularity of video transmission, animated images, photomontages. Twitter concluded that the acquisition Vine, which took

place in 2013, it is not enough, and users are constantly looking for new forms of expression. 140 characters is not enough to say anything.

The Periscope – Use free ( iOS )

The Vine – Use free ( iOS Windows Phone , Android )

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