Scientists and engineers University of California at Berkeley have developed an artificial ‘skin’, which is just like a chameleon can change skin color. As he writes in the latest issue of the magazine “Optica” color change occurs as a result of application of the new material a small force. The technology can find many applications, from creating new screens, by changing the color of camouflage, and sensors to detect damage to the buildings or parts of machines.
Californians podpatrzyli trick “invented” by the nature of the needs of the chameleon and some insects. Like this reptile decided to use a color change area does not dyes but the structure of the nanoparticle size, which affects the frequency arrangement of the absorbed and reflected radiation. Such structures smaller than the wavelength of light wytrawili in thousands of times thinner than a human hair silicon layer. Pulling or bending it allows you to change the color of the reflected light.
Because of the frequency and the associated color of the reflected light determines the spacing between the grooves, the researchers predicted that by changing the distance associated with the wicking material, these colors can be changed . Previous attempts did not end in success, because the grooves were cut or poorly
Breakthrough returned to make use of light interacting with the layer structure of semiconductor silicon having a thickness of about 120 nanometers, superimposed on a layer of silicone. Tests have shown that such a system allows for precise selection of colors and reflects even 83 percent of the light incident upon it.
Quite obviously seems to use such material for creating various kinds of screens, or changing the color of camouflage, but from a technical point of view, seems to be the most interesting ability to control stress. Structures, such as airplanes or covered in some parts of such material may reveal even the smallest, unpredictable damage and deformation.
For now managed to create a material which allows changing the frequency of light in the range of about 39 nanometers, from green, the color yellow, orange to red. Researchers were able to prepare it in a size of about a centimeter square, to produce the necessary amount for practical applications will have to wait.
Grzegorz Jasinski

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