Thursday, March 26, 2015

Opłacisz bills in the mail box. New Gmail? –

Google testing a new service called working Pony Express. It is a system capable of paying bills via Gmail. Internet giant has been working with major US companies in order to create a user-friendly system – get Gmail account and immediately pay it by credit card or wire transfer. The service would be launched later this year.

Google puts you in the role of an intermediary so. For the consumer it is to be comfortable with one reason: we pay the bill right away, without rewriting your account number, payments etc. Paying bills in this way can also help forgetful – you get the message, you pay, you forget. You also benefit in another way – the bills would be always at hand in a separate tab in Gmail.

The idea also benefit and Google, and issuing bills. Google could earn a fortune – in the US alone, transfers hundreds of millions of consumers billions of dollars of fees. Payment fee so bring a fortune. Companies benefit because some users would pay using Gmail faster. And time is money.

Last appears more and more evidence that our life increasingly revolves around smartphones. New Google is the best proof. There

remains only one issue: whether we trust Google and entrust him both his money and knowledge of accounts? These “real-world”?


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