Project X
From the first announcement of Pillars of Eternity was known as Project X . It was in September 2012 year. Then on developers, Obsidian Entertainment, we have the first mention of a new game, the clock counting down the time remaining until its release. It showed a theme of Ouroboros, the snake that is mythical eating its own tail. Four days later, the campaign launched crowdfundingowa site Kickstarter. Then everything became clear. The Obsidian employed people working at some of the best role-playing game-s ever made, of course, in order to novelty in many respects alluded to them. Yes, it comes with such gems as the Baldur’s Gate , Icewind Dale , Fallout and Planescape: Torment . They have a lot in common – all are considered to be masterpieces, productions that have grown to the status of legend. This time, grandiloquent terms are most on the spot: who is playing in any of these games, knows that I’m not exaggerating.
Probably most of you already know how to campaign ended crowdfundingowa Pillars of Eternity . Recall that the necessary amount, $ 1.1 million was collected in … less than two days. It’s not the end of the story, because finally, in just over a month, the crew managed to Obsidian Entertainment collect nearly four million. Almost 74,000 people supported the project. It just shows how many have been waiting for this game and trusted people who had participated in the great projects. However, the expectations would be high. The vast majority of people support the Pillars of Eternity just wanted to get the game with the same trend, which were mentioned titles. The drafters did not hide the fact that they are going to do something like that. Because gathered nearly four times more money than initially assumed they could hone their work more, add a lot of new things, improve graphics. It’s time to see if that was enough.
The story Pillars of Eternity it is not right for a lot of writing, is a very important part of the game and definitely get to know him yourself. In any case, it is really good. In brief: the player takes the role of a wanderer, who along with the caravan arrives in the land of Dyrwood (after our … Jeleniobór) to settle in it. One of the powerful of the earth gives newcomers travelers, who want to sort out his life. The initial idyll quickly obscure black clouds, and the main character as a result of some mysterious, supernatural circumstances is chosen by a higher power: receives the ability to communicate with … Well, I can not say more. His life is gaining momentum and is topped with a typical adventure genre, sometimes in miniature scale, and sometimes – a truly epic. And all this in a land where the transmigration of souls after death is considered a scientific fact …

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