Large Hadron Collider will begin later this week
Source: CERN
the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, the LHC – Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva – after more than a two-year break starts again, perhaps as early as this week, on Wednesday.
In February 2013 years LHC – Large Hadron Collider – has been shut down to repair and modernization. This TTO was used to install additional equipment to physicists were able to register collision energies of elementary particles in even higher than before.
Replaced part superconducting magnets and the connections between them, a new cooling system, designed to secure the vacuum system 27-kilometer tunnel used to acceleration and collision of particles introduced electronic systems more resistant to radiation.
The biggest achievement made in the LHC is to capture the theoretical Brout-Englert particle-boson (the names of researchers), the Higgs bulking, “God’s particle”.
The LHC is the most complex machine ever built by humans. The second round of studies at the LHC will run until 2017, and then will be the next technical break, which will allow a doubling of energy collisions, just as it was during the first break.
The round starts with research is also to be increased intensity of the collision, with 20 million times per second to 40 million times. Besides, the collision would be “more effective”, will force a change of geometry intersections rozpędzanych beams of protons. This allows physicists intend to collect during the second round of the survey is five times more data than in the years 2009 to 2013.
However, the new program also raises the LHC concerns scientists. For example, the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking points out that physicists will enter into areas completely unknown, unpredictable, and that means that you do not know what might arise as a result of the collision. Astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson has warned that the planned experiments may be a threat to the world. In his opinion, it can not be ruled out that as a result of the experience created a black hole with all its consequences, as well as the absorption of matter – as a result of the planet Earth would disappear in the black hole in a very short period of time.
The LHC is the largest built by human hands magnetic field. This is also worried scientists suggest that there may be a link between the experiments carried out in the Large Hadron Collider and earthquakes.

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