Friday, March 20, 2015

There will be a legalization of pirated Windows – Banker

giant from Redmond clarifies his last statement and
 clearly cuts discussions on a free Windows 10 for pirates – it still
 will be illegal.


Media delighted in the last days of the initiative’s
 Microsoft, which announced the availability of a free upgrade systems
 Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, scheduled for the summer of Windows 10. They had to have it
 Access also people who have installed on their computers
 illegal copies of the system. The official position has clarified the
 information and added that illegal system remain illegal – no license
 change, and the pirates will only be able to update your system.


Putting pirates on a par with clients who have a system already
 paid would be suicidal shot for the company. Many of the existing
 buyers scheme would stop investing in new versions, since
 downloading them for free from file sharing networks would receive the same range
 services. However, Microsoft wants Windows only increase the range of 10 – any system
 will be able to upgrade to the new version, but holders of pirated versions
 Forget about the support and any additional services implemented in
 system for active license holders.

They will be able for it to activate the system,
 shop by purchasing a license in Windows Store applications.

/ mg


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