The asteroid 2014-YB35 has a diameter of about 1000 meters – for comparison object that broke up over Czelabińskiem was about 17 meters. This asteroid missed Earth by 18.00 at a safe distance – about 12 times farther than the moon is. In addition, a kilometer in diameter is not enough to destroy humanity – it is estimated that such a strike would cause a huge tsunami, a powerful earthquake, acid rain, and left a crater kilkunastokilometrowy. Area would be destroyed hundreds of kilometers in diameter.
So, despite the panic website is not a clash of civilizations threatened us from the face of the planet, but we should not feel too well together. The problem is that this powerful cosmic rock noticed very late – only in December last year. It is far too little time to do anything. With the current technical capabilities of even a few years would not give us a chance to avoid the collision. If at this point someone thought of the ill-fated film Armageddon, it’s not – so it can not be done.
A breakdown of the asteroid to pieces a little would help – instead of one bullet Earth zbombardowałoby dozens of them increasing the area of destruction. Explosions, which we can call would not change its trajectory too. The only reasonable way seems to be sending an asteroid ship that przyczepiłby to her and her string of consistently deflects its orbit. This,
If humanity is to survive, we need to try harder. Dinosaurs do not mastered space travel and that is why they are not here with us.

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