Monday, March 16, 2015

RMF 24: Meteor with a bang flew over Germany – Interia

37 minutes ago

The fireball lit up the Sunday night sky over the southern part of Germany, Switzerland and Austria partly. Meteor flew from the northwest.

Residents Mannheim, Freiburg and Munich, throughout the evening kept on calling the police worried what is happening in the sky. In Switzerland, reportedly could be heard even roar.

Meteorit rast über Freiburg am 15.03 um 20.44 Uhr .2015

The reason was an unusual spectacle in the sky. At 20:44 meteor flew. He was seen by six seconds. As emphasized by astronomers, meteors usually fly at an altitude of 70 to 100 km above the earth. This came up at a distance of approx. 20 km.

This article is excerpted from the

category: Technauka


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