As reported portal Charles Wojcicki Copernicus Science Centre, the aurora is best seen in the smaller towns, where there are not many street lights. However, as noted, was informed that it was a beautiful phenomenon was seen that night, for example, in Lodz.
– In Poland, it happens to observe the aurora borealis in the northern part of the country, but today it is evident even in the middle. Such an opportunity was not with us for several years – says Charles Wojcicki.
To see the play of light in the sky, you have to look to the north. Aurora may be visible 40 degrees above the horizon, that is, at the height of the constellation Ursa Minor.
It is best to go in the least-lit places where there is a lighthouse and neon. Charles Wojcicki said that in Warsaw will be difficult to see the aurora is due to a variety of lights, so you should go into the city.
From the big cities is best to leave a few kilometers to the north.
Visibility aurora borealis over Europe / Source:
On the Internet quickly emerged aurora images observed the Polish. You could see it very well, above all in the north of the country.
A beautiful spectacle in the sky, however, could also be observed in Warsaw, Poznan, in the Opole region, and even in the Malopolska region.
Auroras occur at high latitudes, mainly podbiegunowymi wheels. Sometimes, however, that the aurora is
Auroras are produced during the explosions on the Sun, when the space is ejected matter. When it reaches the Earth’s magnetic field, we can observe the aurora.
In recent times, there was a big explosion, and because in Poland that evening, the sky is exceptionally clean, so we have a chance to observe a unique phenomenon.
Every dawn is different, close to the North Pole, it takes the form of a unique green ribbon with pink and purple hues. Northern lights over Polish is not as spectacular, and may take the form of outbursts in different colors on the northern horizon.
On the other hand, on Friday – the first day of the astronomical spring – in Poland will be a partial solar eclipse visible.
Northern Lights as seen from the International Space Station / ESA / Alexander Gerst

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