Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pirates get Windows 10 for free? Microsoft explains all … –

Threats in Cyberspace

When representatives talked about the release of Microsoft’s Windows 10, which is to take place in the summer, also added that even those with illegal systems will be able to download the new version of the operating system for free. This position of the storm unleashed on the Internet. The official position of the company, however, explain everything …

During the presentation in China, chief operating systems, Terry Myerson promised that Windows 10 will appear in the Windows Upgrade, even for those who do not have a legal version of the operating system . Internet users immediately began a comment. Legitimate users were outraged because felt that unnecessarily paid for the software, and the suspected pirates a trap. Today, when the company released the official statement, everything became clear. Yes – pirates, as well as lawful users of Windows 7 and 8, will

be able to be free, within one year after the release of Windows 10. The download will not be legal – at least as long as users do not buy the official version. This means that you will not have access to many important features of the system.

Experts expect that Microsoft hopes to persuade the pirates first to see how cool is the new Windows and thus encourage them to buy the the original. To this by providing the software from its official website, falls risk that the pirates will infect their computers with viruses or other malware.


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