Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Amazon Technology Development Centre in Gdansk looking for specialists – Pulse HR

Amazon Technology Development Center in Gdansk & # x144; sk looking for a specialist & # XF3; in the
The company Amazon is looking for, among others, software engineers and linguists in Gdansk / photo. InfoWire

Amazon’s Centre in Gdansk specializes in providing speech technology. Currently we are looking for professionals to development of software and technology for products from companies such as Amazon or Kindle Fire Echo.

Amazon unveiled for the first time in Poland, on Monday (24 August), Warsaw, all equipment, including fully operated using voice commands Amazon Echo. Above his voice – Alexa – staffed by qualified Amazon Technologies Development Center in Gdansk. The company is looking for the following staff to develop world-class technology “Text-to-Speech” used in swpich devices.

Innovative Solutions

Amazon Echo is a device that unlike smartphone, or tablet does not require a traditional touch operation. Echo just ask about your route, the weather forecast or results. By using the cloud device is very quick to answer questions and give their female voice named Alex. With Echo, you can also listen to music or get to know the latest news and even lighten or darken the light in the house. All this is done without physical contact with the

device, allowing you to use it, eg. In the performance of household tasks or cooking.

Successive IT professionals wanted

The company Amazon also announced during the event in Warsaw, that is currently looking for among others software engineers and linguists who will be involved in projects related to the development of Echo Amazon and other business solutions, among others, using speech synthesis technology.

developed in Gdansk technologies allow devices to communicate with Amazon (including Echo and the Kindle Fire) in a new, more intuitive way in 23 languages. Solutions, is working on the Gdansk team of experts not only improve the comfort of devices Amazon, but also a great convenience for the visually impaired – the system is, for example. Able to read aloud the names of the icons, after which the user Wodzi finger on the screen of the tablet.

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