Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ashley Madison begin to blackmail and extortion –

2015-08-23 11:08

Author: Maciej Gajewski

Burglars stole a base of 32 million users of Ashley Madison dating service for persons who are already in a relationship, and published it publicly. Now pathology increase bystanders.

Publication user database Ashley Madison affects them now hiccup. The hacker group Impact Team, which has made intrusion, has feud with the creators of the site and use the stolen data to encourage them to turn it off. Bystanders began to see in this database, potential profit.

scour the database and send to the database published postal addresses of e-mails, which are demanding a ransom for discretion. Or you are cashing in Bitcoinach a set amount, or your other half finds out that she cheated or cheated. Allegedly, each person must pay a slightly different amount (eg. 1.0000001 BTC, and therefore the equivalent of about 900 zlotys) to a designated account, so that burglars ,, know who has not paid. “

It is not known How many people has been pogróżkom.

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