Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Check whether your neighbor betrays. With Ashley Madison passionately also benefited Poles – TVN24 Business World

Spanish specialists from the company Tecnilógica created a map showing where in the world is most people are willing to “fling”. They used this data on more than 37 million users, stolen from dating site Ashley Madison. As many as 90-95 percent. betray people are male. Map also includes user data from Polish.

In Poland, the most unfaithful partners registered in Warsaw (5979). Then on the list are the inhabitants of Cracow (1736), Wroclaw (1564), Poznan (1340), Lodz (791), Gdansk (685) and Katowice (650).

Not only the big cities

The infidels partners are not only residents of large cities. Also betray the villagers. Users so we can meet eg. In Siedlikach in the province. Lublin (15), Old Raduszcu in the province. Lubuskie (11), Grzymiradzu in the West Pomeranian (11), Boratyńcu the Russians in Podlasie (12), Cekcyn in Kujawsko-Pomorskie (14), Klewkowie in Lodz (14) and the Grand Dole in Lesser Poland (11).


Source: Tecnologica list of “hot spots” in Poland

A much more impressive the number of the number of users of Ashley Madison in major European cities. And so, in London there are more than 179 thous., In Madrid 135 thous. In Paris 37,5 thous., In Berlin almost 30 thousand. Against the background of European capitals stand out in Rome with only 691 users.

List & amp; quot; hot & # x105; smokers point & # XF3; in & amp; quot; in Europe

Source: Tecnologica list of “hot spots” in Europe

When you look at a map, bright specks showing the number of applicants for romance is also on the east coast of South America, particularly in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro has 156 thousand. registered users and Sao Paulo until 374.5 thousand. Similarly, on the west coast of the US and the eastern and middle-eastern United States.

ZR & oacute; DLO: Shutterstock Ashley Madison is a portal used by spouse & oacute; in organizing themselves & quot; jump & oacute; the above-mentioned side & quot;

Before the US federal court in California struck lawsuit against service ra … see more »

Interestingly, the website Ashley Madison did not enjoy popularity in Russia, China, and Africa (excluding South Africa).

Despite the fact that 90-95 per cent. users are men that are places in the world where women are less accurate. This is eg. In India and the Philippines.

A huge leak

About disclosing more than 37 million customers website Ashley Madison hackers showing up as the Impact Team announced in July, threatening to publish compromising photos , sexual fantasies like. They published then a sample of compromising the data and warned that if the portal Ashley Madison is closed, reveal the real names of his clients, their profiles with materials zdjęciowymi, data on their credit cards.

The owners found refused meet their demands. Therefore, August 19 hackers published data million customers Ashley Madison. The case examines the FBI. The courts have already found the outraged customer portal lawsuits against the owners.

Dating Ashley Madison advertises the slogan “Life is short. Treat yourself affair.” It is estimated that use of its 64 million people.

Hackers disclose the data infidels. The FBI opened an investigation into Ashley Madison:


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