Monday, August 24, 2015

Began to blackmail associated with data leakage Ashley Madison –

Monday, 24 August 2015 8:41 Written by Wojtek Onyśków

 Ashley Madison


Last week reported of a serious data leakage dating site Ashley Madison. Cybercriminals have provided a package of files on the Internet, where you will find the email addresses of users, private messages, and even intimate photos. You do not have to wait long to make you more “entrepreneurial” netizens began to blackmail randkowiczów.



Ashley Madison dating site for people who are in a stable relationship and looking for romance. That’s why around the leak is so loud. There is no doubt that the portal’s users desire to preserve anonymity. Meanwhile, the data end up on the Internet and are available to almost everyone.

This is where enter hackers who blackmailed selected Internet users. “Pay 1.0000001 bitcoins, or someone close to you learn about your sprawkach” – these messages are sent to another Internet users.

Tom Kellerman, a specialist in security at Trend Micro, which received samples of such news reports that blackmail can only intensify. Also mentions that cybercriminals will use this fact to spread malware files, which may, for example. Encrypt data on your computer.


protect yourself against this type of situations should adhere to one simple rule. Whatever we publish on the Internet, this should be treated as public information, available to everyone. Regardless of assurances that our data is secure. You should think twice if we would like to have seen such unauthorized persons. Thrown our image. In this way you can avoid unpleasant situations.

Source: Neowin


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