Monday, August 31, 2015

Charity concert for the final of Caritas. There will Happysad and Old Good Marriage – Morning Courier

Today, as a thank all who contributed to the preparation of hundreds of layettes to needy children, Caritas Bialystok invites you to a charity concert “satchel full of smiles.” In the hours. 14-20 on the square in front of Dramatic Theatre in Bialystok experience of God choir Echo (14.30) and Vineyard (15.30) and Happysad (18.30). Admission to the performances is free. In contrast, in the chair. 16.30 in the theater will play Old Good Marriage – but it’s a concert invitations that received people were preparing layettes and backpacks.

The concert is not the only attraction of today’s final. Especially for the youngest organizers have prepared plenty of other attractions will include the games, fun, entertainment, face painting.

During Monday’s charity concert will also collect funds for Rehabilitation and Education-Educational for children with profound disability that results in Supra. Caritas Volunteers will collect in hours. 14-20 on the square in front of Dramatic Theatre.

This year, Caritas has prepared 300 backpacks that

donors have completed school supplies. Many people also bought alone brought backpacks with layette.


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