Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meet Intel Optane – the most modern type of memory in the world – Spider’s Web

Some time ago you could hear about a new kind of memory combines DRAM memory capabilities and NAND. Then she wore 3D XPOINT working name. Now, however, at the Intel Developer Forum 2015 in San Francisco, Intel has announced that the official name of the new technology is Intel Optane.

From my previous a moving article about it you can learn that the new solution far exceeds the current market SSDs in terms of performance. Now Intel decided to prove and compiled a sample of the new solution with its fastest SSD on offer – Intel P3700 uses a very fast SSD PCI-Express interface.

It turned out that the disk-based Intel Optane is from 5.2 to 7.2 times faster than traditional disk space and has 10 times higher storage density than existing RAM. Obtaining such a high density has been found possible by using the three-dimensional memory consisting of a plurality of layers. These memories enable you to create massive RAM and fast hard drives.

The latter will not be too roomy because, although Intel Optane excels in terms of density of the memories RAM, it can not be matched in this respect are currently using SSD. Of course, this state of affairs with fine tuning the technology will be improved, as it looked and continue to look for semiconductor memory.

 3D XPOINT Intel

This means that we are dealing with an extremely fast component, but not entirely true seems to be pre-marketing repeated the allegation that the new drive is 1000 times faster than the competition (unless we’re talking about delays, and

not the bandwidth). For this reason, you can also doubt the assurances about 1000 times greater strength, unless a new kind of disk space compared to traditional disk DISK.

By far the most product useful in data centers and servers, where there is demand for a quick, cheap, energy-efficient and resistant memory. Later, it will go into consumer devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets.

Again, the main reason for this is not her performance, but low production costs and no need to use energy to maintain data, which directly translate into prices of various kinds of devices, their energy efficiency and longer battery life on a single charge.

The first devices using Intel Optane have hit the market next year.



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