It would seem that it needs to go. Microsoft has restored adored by all the Start menu, recovered from his split personality (unsuccessful mix of classic Modern UI), gave all the system for free and, most importantly, it is “every second”, and so the good and usable Windows. But I doubt whether the new window will be successful tailor-made Windows 7 or XP. Why?
World update in history for free. Where’s the catch?
Windows 10 is basically the first decent update, which holders of previous editions get free. When you consider the fact that you get basically flagship product that is created in order to make money and not give away something that you can sell, fitting only rejoice. The practice, however, shows that free is nothing there and so is also this time. Yes, at the beginning of operating profit may be lower, but it is thanks to Windows 10 the company will gain new opportunities that the future will give greater profit than sold licenses.Refreshed Start Menu – elapsed “novelty” Windows 10
Why then Windows 10 is free? Because … a must. Microsoft dreams of unification platforms on which will benefit everyone – users thanks to cross-platform applications, better integration and new capabilities (streaming games from Xbox and PC, joint tournaments pecetowców and konsolowców, etc. .) Microsoft and optimize costs. After all, better to develop one core for all types of devices and shift resources to other projects rather than work on a few products. Therefore, users of Windows 7 and 8 / 8.1 you just have to migrate to Windows 10.
Notifications native of Windows Phone
And what if they are happy and not They feel the need to change anything? Well, you just have to give them the OS for free and make maximum painless upgrade process. Therefore, the Windows 10 for owners of previous editions 2 is free, and the update requires a few clicks and suddenly the moment of patience. Everything pulls itself installs automatically, applications, and settings are transferred so that the user immediately felt at home. Yes, definitely it could not be otherwise. Any departure from this scenario could mean failure.
We distributed system for free – how to live?
That the less you spend does not necessarily mean that a wzbogaciłeś. Microsoft must earn something. And if not for the system, it then? Of course, on our data. The default settings that are selected, unfortunately, the majority of users, means nothing as intensive transferring data to Microsoft about us. What We ship? In fact, almost everything. For the clouds get our PC configuration, password, language preference, login details our wireless networks (automatically shared contacts, who may find themselves the wrong person). Ba, to the cloud gets even … Backup BitLocker encryption key mechanismSection dot. privacy in Windows 10
For this you get a unique identifier of advertising content, they are able to personalization, and Microsoft has access to virtually any data on your computer. Cortana? In total, fitting to enjoy that with us it is not. To ensure its operation at the highest level of Microsoft reserves that can accumulate data, among others, of installed applications, location, your calendar, email and contacts, how to use the device or search history. What are the best the company can, if necessary, disclose or pass them to other parties if it considers that it is necessary. And, of course, the fact that the service does not work with us does not necessarily mean that just in case Microsoft will not collect any data. Just a little read about telemetry and how even the simplest acts, system search, which is strangely online’owe …
We synchronize, by default. Even the key to BitLocker …
At the end of the icing on the cake – a quote from the privacy policy Windows 10:
Privacy Policy Windows 10 (excerpt)
We will access, disclose and maintain personal information, including those in you content (such as the contents of your e-mails, other private communications and files in private folders) when we, in good faith believe that it is necessary.
In short, Windows 10 does not seem to be the best option for those who do not like to share the contents of your hard drive and information about themselves with the world.
Best Microsoft? Maybe, but I am not convinced
Skipping questionable records of privacy or services implementations. Windows 10 simply does not appeal to me. added several new features that (not only) to lay people may like it, but they are not for me so important, I would have stayed with Windows 10 for longer. Player of’m not so DirectX 12, the new application or the possibility of streaming Xbox console PC are not for me a bargaining chip. Virtual desktops? I use them for a long time – one small program solved the case years ago. Start menu? I never liked, I prefer wall with Windows 8.1 than the claustrophobic strip of tiles.
Recently used folders and files in Windows Explorer
We also got simplified settings, which eventually let you forget about the control panel , supercharged Explorer, which shows the most commonly used folders and files, view tasks or center-style action with mobile systems. The problem is that these are only minor improvements, without which either can be circumvented, or you can get a
Attempt to sync Google Accounts bit disappointing …
mail application? After migrating bites me with a Google account. Start menu? After changing the settings have lost most commonly used applications and never list did not begin to reflect the actual situation. For this some applications can not successfully pin or … unhook. Some managed to remove only refresh forcing the system is rebooted. Virtual Desktops? Limiting the number of options to add and remove desktop does not impress. And any personalization? Maybe in the fifth Cummulative Update. Speaking of updates, we are – after the last start Windows 10 you? Yes? It rejoice, others were less fortunate.
Virtual desktops – truncated, but in the end they are
Cortana? Not for Polish, however, is a country of 3 categories. Finding installed applications with the search system? It can go wrong, believe me. In general impression, but rather negative, he impressed me only implement P2P propagation update. The idea, yes, fine, but I’m not sure whether the users (esp. The mobile Internet) they want to slaughter their link so that others got faster update. Honestly? I doubt, and this option is, if he did not look, by default. To sum up, it is not as good as it seems.
Updates charge and simultaneously distribute
With the hope of his time looking at the universal applications, but when you consider the quality of the built-in Windows 10 can come to the conclusion that if Microsoft itself is not able to write them properly, it’s probably better not . A pity, because Windows 10 Mobile needs a solid kick to adventure Microsoft’s mobile platform is not over spectacular failure.
World update in the history
Update millions of computers with different hardware and software configurations is a real challenge. However, Microsoft had to take it. With what result? Not the worst, but not very good. In many cases, yes, everything is running as it should, but there are also situations where the process fails and restoring the previous system or other problems. For me, for example, a laptop updated without problems in the blink of an eye. Desktop also in total, with the first start of the image on the screen was blurred and unreadable.
In fact, were it not for the fact that the graphical interface is so designed that not reading the captions can figure out what a particular item, I would not be able to install the new drivers for your graphics card and restart your computer. Completely by accident I lost a few applications, and for missions laptop after 2 weeks, despite the lack of configuration changes or software, began to afflict me a BSOD-y. With one a day or two can live, but I think so should not be there? Pass over in silence the fact that the Administrative Templates for IT is only just emerged.
Although a total of taking into account the stability and system compatibility, I doubt that any experienced administrator has enabled the company to migrate to Windows 10 now and was willing to suffer for this Decision responsibility . No, the news served to by Microsoft are not worth it. You can lose much more than gain, and if everything works steadily, but it is worth to apply the golden rule: Never touch running the system.
Great expectations and frustrations
Expectations “every other suitable work” Windows were huge. Many expected the revolution. But he come, at most, evolution. Microsoft has created the foundations for further news. created one group of products for all platforms erected for universal applications, refreshed look, added some new features and applications, and the effect was made available for free. The problem is that the release of pospieszono up and, as a result of Windows 10 is fraught with errors, deficiencies and niedoróbkami, even in basic applications.
Additionally changed the distribution model (service) to allow in the future to introduce subscription, updated privacy policy and opted for informational exhibitionism. To paraphrase a classic – a computer with Windows 10 is used to browse the Internet, and vice versa. I do not mind, but if someone is holding confidential data on your computer, you should consider the installation of Windows 10 twice. Meanwhile, I come back to the good old eight, because niedorobione Start Menu is enough for me to fight with errors in basic services system and the risk that the next update my computer becomes unbootable.Uninstall Windows 10 – missing only the shortcut in the “Programs and Features”

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