Monday, August 17, 2015

Tomb of Nefertiti found? “This theory, we have no evidence” –

“This tomb is under special protection and special rights in force there. Tomb of the work should be closed, which is associated with the costs, because tourists pay 100 pounds Egyptian to enter this tomb. Nicholas will be difficult to obtain permission for any action there “- he says in an interview with RMF FM Egyptologist from the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Dr. Zbigniew Szafrański. It’s about finding a scientist from Arizona, who believes that in the tomb of Tutankhamen may also be Nefertiti. In his view, proof that there is another room, may be cracks on the wall of the tomb. “I watched the tomb of Tutankhamen many, many times. It did not seem to me that there are any other compartment” – says Egyptologist.

The bust of Queen Nefertiti is in a museum in Berlin

/ A3464 Rainer Jensen / PAP / EPA

Magdalena Jednacz: Do you believe that this great mystery of ancient Egypt finally been discovered?

Dr Zbigniew Szafrański Nicholas Reeves is a famous Egyptologist, Tutenchamonie wrote about 20 years ago. He knows the tomb and knows era. We look forward to a scientific publication where these present their arguments. The problem is very interesting.

So according to you it is possible that Nefertiti was buried together with his stepson?

It is possible yet know Nicholas Reeves. Tomb of Tutankhamen is strange. The first discovery, it was a surprise that the tomb of a king is so small. It was probably the tomb prepared for someone else, and since Tutankhamen died young – with maybe 18, maybe 19 years, he was buried in a tomb, which was prepared for someone else, because the tomb is so small. He also ruled long time – maybe 10 years 9 – and he would not have time to prepare his tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Perhaps the thought of preparing its own grave in Amarna. It’s a place where Akhenaten built a new city. The new city in the desert, and around the tombs were to be forged in the rocks. Akhenaten and Nefertiti were also buried there. We see that the one and the other tomb was conceived, prepared for the burial, but we do not have the bodies. From finding Tutankhamen’s tomb, we Egyptologists believe that he was trying to move mummies of Akhenaten and Nefertiti and the Western Thebes, the Valley of the Kings.

It is supposed that the tomb of Tutankhamen was also prepared for Nefertiti.

This is Nicholas Reeves theory, but we have no evidence, therefore, we are waiting for a scientific article Reeves what he represents, as arguments. It can not be ruled out. Incredibly interesting theory. We will wait to see what will continue to happen. I think that Nicholas Reeves will return to the Valley of the Kings, because he worked there and will try to continue to seek those traces, which according to him would demonstrate that it is more grave. Besides, in this valley may be some other tombs.

Smiles to you, because you have just hope that in fact this place is Nefertiti and it will be a great breakthrough? What would it matter if it turned out that she actually is there?

I smile, because it is always fascinating. We are looking with hope that we can find something new, something unknown so far, and significant for the history of Egypt and the world. I

watched the tomb of Tutankhamen many, many times. It did not seem to me that there are any other chamber.

Do not you noticed there any gaps?

The gaps are. Rock massif in Western Thebes and the Valley of the Kings is cracked. Cracks in Tutankhamen’s tomb are not surprising and are the cracks as they are also and at other graves. For the visitor there is reason to believe “and there is a gap, so I guess there is something there.” There’s no such first thought. Interesting is what Nicholas thought, because he probably has some vision of how this further cracking can take place, how could it be masked.

How to get there, how to tell if this is true , What is he saying? How are works there on the spot?

At this time in Western Thebes in the Valley of the Kings operate foreign missions. There are studies cleaning the valley, because it is filled with debris, which is the result of destruction of rocks, but also archaeological work. Yet there is still something to find. To check the slot and hypothesis Reeves, then you have come to the grave. This tomb is under special protection and special rights in force there. There is a special ticket to get into the grave. The case of doing anything in this grave is not easy. Tomb of the work should be closed, which is associated with the costs, because the tourist is paying 100 Egyptian pounds to enter this tomb. At the time these works 100 pounds will not affect the cash office of antiquity. Nicholas will be difficult to obtain permission for any action there, but knowing him he will he go in there.

What would I do, how come there? He’d have to tear down the wall?

I do not know whether to demolish. It can also exactly sound and can prove that what we see, it is only masked the passage as he supposed. This is a big job, adequate light. Today we have various instruments that can help us, such as ground penetrating radar, which can also penetrate into the wall. We Poles also have their traditions, because we worked and we intend to continue working in the tomb of Ramses III and epigraphic genre is our mission in the tomb of Ramses VI. This is also our contribution and participation in the study of tombs of the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings is significant.

I wonder what it feels like an archaeologist, when there is such a place where it seems to him that there might be something significant and can make a breakthrough …?

The researcher sees clearly, but without enthusiasm. Admiration can prevent, can focus on some misguided. He sees cold. Of course passion, tremendous work and a desire to do something that is quite another matter. All the time you have to control myself.


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