Monday, August 17, 2015

Windows 10 broke another record popularity – Virtual Poland

  From the official release of Microsoft’s new operating system has been only half a month, and already stuknęło half of his hundreds of users – counting in the millions.

 The new policy of the company, involving the sharing of Windows 10 on a free upgrade for older versions of “windows”, clearly works. Already more than 50 million users have this system installed on their computers, this occurs by Microsoft yet undisclosed number of people who have reserved themselves update and “stand in line”. All this in just a few days that have passed since 29 July.

 The first information spoke of 14 million updates a day after the launch of the system. A week later, the number of installed Windows 10 has already reached 25 million. The pace, as you can see, is very high, but on the other hand, it is worth remembering how very ambitious goal set itself Microsoft. It hopes that within three years of Windows 10 will be installed on a billion devices.

  See also: Who will lose on a free Windows?

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