Monday, August 17, 2015

Apple is looking for test sites for your car – PC World

In February 2015 years Apple informed about the work of the samosterującym car. Then they were mostly rumors, but revealed FOR IN The Guardian documents clearly indicate that the Cupertino company is not idle.


These documents show Project Titan , aiming to build a fully functional samosterującego car . Moreover, work is already at such an advanced stage that the company is looking for a place to test the vehicle. In May, its representatives met with managers GoMentum Station is the training ground for Navy test. On the surface of this area is more than 20 miles of roads and urban replica – almost ideal area to experiment with this type of car.

GoMentum Station (photo: official site) Click to zoom & # x119; larger & # x107; GoMentum Station (photo: official website)

According to the disclosed yet documents over the car running several hundred engineers. Was put at their disposal in Sunnyvale office, located four miles from the headquarters of Apple in Cupertino. Information

about the search for test sites indicate that work on the car is already at a very advanced stage. However, it does not look like the car that was already competition for a similar invention of Google. Apple has not yet commented The Guardian reports.

See also:


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