Today we participated in conferences Amazon in the Warsaw University Library. Representatives of the company for the first time in Poland presented their products and nigh activities Technology Development Center in Gdansk. We have also witnessed the latest demonstration of the product – Amazon Echo.
The conference venue was not chosen at random. The meeting was held because under the slogan “Back to the roots” (ang. Back To Roots). As argued by representatives of the company, they want to provide their customers the biggest choice of products, hence the development of the Amazon into new areas. There were the words “the consumer is the most important” or even “we are obsessed with the consumer.”
At the moment he uttered those words immediately reminded me loud publications on the company’s logistics centers located in Poland. Before I began to wonder about the legitimacy of such an association, the chief PR Manager software – Marzena Więckowska – indicated that it may dispel any doubts … personal visit to that place .
- Any person who is interested in working conditions are like in our logistics centers can sign up on the website and explore the place. – Więckowska said.
In terms of products, there were all the works of the company – readers Kindle Voyage , Classic and Paperwhite III and tablets Fire HD6 HD7 and HDX 8.9 . The representative also demonstrated the strength of the unit Kids Edition – watched as the tablet soared high in the air to fall with a thud to the ground. As it was designed for the youngest, smallest has not been destroyed. Its software is specifically designed for children and such also serves content to them. The structure has been reinforced very strongly adhering hard rubber housing. Amazon also presented television – Fire TV and Fire TV Stick and proprietary game controller.
first presentation of the product portfolio in Poland and the first demonstration of the capabilities of Echo in Europe
Finally the time came for something more interesting and completely new. Appliance fully operated using voice commands – Amazon Echo. Above his voice, staffed by qualified Amazon Technology Development Center in Gdansk. What makes this “ toy “?
It is a device that – in contrast to smartphones or tablets – does not require traditional touch operation. Echo just ask about your route, the weather forecast or results. By using the cloud device is very quick to answer questions and give their female voice named Alex. As the Echo uses cloud solutions Amazon Web
Successive IT professionals sought
Amazon also announced that it now seeks, among others, software engineers and linguists who will be involved in projects related to the development of Echo Amazon and other business solutions, among others, using speech synthesis technology. Developed in Gdansk technologies have not only improve the comfort of devices Amazon, but also provide tremendous convenience for the visually impaired – the system is, for example. Able to read aloud the names of the icons, after which the user Wodzi finger on the screen of the tablet.
Amazon in Poland?
Not now. This information is not obtained at the conference, but we can be sure that the first meeting with journalists in the country can be a first step to improve communication with the media company, and thus – better promotion of Amazon’s upcoming activities.
Sebastian Kupski

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