Thursday, August 27, 2015

Facebook M: Personal Assistant will help us to shopping –

digital assistants market is growing at an accelerating pace, and from time to time there are new tools designed to facilitate life of users. Another of this type of product released just Facebook. Its digital assistant called the Facebook of M and has been made available to selected users of the application Facebook Messenger.

Application in contrast to Siri does not use his voice, but text and so far focuses primarily on supporting the user while shopping, taking care of their ordering and delivery, as well as helping to organize the trip. If, for example, we ask him for help in selecting a gift for a friend or a good place to eat a meal, if any, will suggest us. It will also make purchases directly from the hut, restaurant reservations, etc.

beta version in testing framework has so far made available only a few hundred people from the region of San Francisco, but over time the number of users will increase, and the assistant will

become more functional.

Representatives of Facebook provides, however, that its operation will be based solely on what he will say and will not have access to user profiles to collect the information it needs there.


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