Since the release of Windows 10 is not even a month has passed, and the latest Microsoft operating system already raised its popularity with some of his previous releases. And there would be nothing surprising if it were a much older issue, while Windows 10 already proving to be more popular than Windows 8 or Vista.
Speaking the popularity we do not mean only the reactions of users on Windows 10 – for if they judge it in that light, it is likely that this would be the most popular operating system in history, beating out the palm of priority only with Windows XP. The popularity, however, has its absolutely measurable dimension, which is the market share. In this regard, Windows 10 Although not yet achieved stunning results too (if you consider only the absolute values and forget about all the rest), but suffice it to recall that for the general public is available only from July 29 to obtained by this time market share really made a great impression.
In less than three weeks Windows 10 was installed on more than 50 million units, resulting in an 4.15% share of the global market desktop operating systems. For comparison, the share of Windows 8 is only 3.51% (although this result may be a bit misleading, because StatCounter data we use, are counted separately market share of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 – would count them together (for which hardly anyone could not blame, although in a formal sense, it’s actually two separate OSes), they definitely przebyłyby Windows 10, mainly due to a newer version of eights, whose market share is nearly 15%. By far the most popular system is, however, Windows 7, which has reached over 53 %.
The same applies to when you look at the Polish market of desktop hair.
The most common system in Poland is also Windows 7, although its share in the Polish market are slightly lower at 50.62%. Windows 10 reached a figure very
Interestingly shall also specifically Polish and global market share of OS X running on Apple computers. While in global terms, it reached 8.18%, in the case of Polish it was not even included as a separate system and belong to the category other (ang. other), which also includes various distributions of Linux, which collectively reach 3.38%.
Gaining 4.15% share of the global operating system market is for Windows 10 and Microsoft’s big success, which, however, is hardly surprising. Free availability of the latest system for all those who have legitimate licenses for Windows 7, 8 and 8.x is a big incentive for its installation. Definitely important results we will be able to meet until next year, when the time period within which to update your system to the latest version will not have to pay. We are also curious – and we’ll pay attention – the rate at which the shares will rise windows 10 months to one month and how many people have updated your system within 30 days of its installation will return to the previously used version.
Source: StatCounter Global Stats – OS Market Share

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