Saturday, August 15, 2015

Kaspersky “created” viruses to hit the competition? Serious accusations of former employees. –

Reuter published special rapor t, which reveals the obscure practices which would be, according to two former employees, allow Kaspersky. The report shows that the company would use unethical methods to combat the competition.

Kasperky would, as explained in , create false signatures in order to software competition “healthy” files It classifies as infected. As a result of such actions, consumers of competitive products would be harassed with false messages. Worse remove “healthy” file could lead to data loss or problems with the functioning of the operating system.

Creating the false signatures would be made possible by the development team, which analyzed the behavior of competing programs (the so-called. Reverse engineering).

Very serious allegations

Reuter in his report puts a very bold thesis. About launder create fake signatures he know himself Yevgeny Kaspierski, founder of the company. His action would justify the fact that smaller companies such as AVG or Avast “ape its software rather than creating their technology.”

According to news agency Kaspersky false signatures would be used for a decade, with particular severity in 2009-2013 .

Kaspersky denies all accusations.

Kaspersky has already issued a official position on the allegations of former employees. Scripture quote in its entirety. The company says it has never created a false signatures for antivirus, she had a while to fall prey to such practices by hitherto unknown perpetrators.

“In contrast to the accusations published in an article by Reuters, Kaspersky Lab He never conducted any secret campaign to deceive solutions to their competitors, to generate false alarms, which would damage the reputation of these companies. Such actions are unethical, dishonest and illegal. Presented by anonymous, disappointed former employees of accusations, from which it follows that Kaspersky Lab – or her CEO – she was involved in such activities are deprived of values ​​and false. As a member of the IT security community, share our research with other manufacturers, as well as receive and analyze information about threats from others. Although competition IT security market is large, the trusted exchange of data is a key element for the entire IT ecosystem and make every effort to ensure the smooth running of information between us and the competition.

In 2010 r. Kaspersky Lab conducted a one-time experiment by placing 20 samples harmless programs in the multiskanerze VirusTotal, which should not cause any false alarms, because the files were completely clean and harmless. After the experiment, Kaspersky

Lab has published official information on the subject and provided all the samples used, so that everyone can test them yourself. The experiment was intended to draw attention to IT security community to the problem of insufficient quality detection by Multi-scanners, namely the fact that recognition files to be harmful just because some manufacturers have marked them in this way, without additional testing behavior of individual objects. For more information, please visit

After the experiment, Kaspersky Lab has initiated a discussion in the IT security industry, which showed that all participants agree on the ranking too. For more information, please visit

In 2012. Kaspersky Lab was among the companies affected by the location of files crafted by an unknown source on VirusTotal. The incident sparked a series of false alarms. In order to solve the problem at the Virus Bulletin conference in Berlin in October 2013. Held a private meeting between the leading manufacturers of IT security solutions. Parties have exchanged information on incidents reflect on the motives directing such activities and developed a plan of action. Still not been able to determine who was behind the aforementioned malicious activities. “

It is difficult to judge us, who in this dispute is right. Reuters guess it can not be accused of malice, based on the information from former employees. It remains to determine whether they speak the truth, the whole thing can surely be a manifestation of war between vendors of antivirus software. However, if the allegations would find confirmation of Kaspersky would have a huge problem with the rebuilding of trust. The settlement of the case we have to wait.


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