Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Members Neostrada the ban on editing Wikipedia – Virtual Poland

  At one time, quite often in the Polish Internet was used the term “children Neostrada”. Unfortunately, it did not refer to the undeniable merits for the promotion of internet access, which, thanks to the large-scale ADSL technology, could boast of Telecommunications Poland. It was a rather derogatory term people who recently obtained access to network resources to readily exploit to earn the unflattering opinion of other users.

 TP SA long ago it has been taken over by Orange, but apparently ADSL service subscribers still do not have a good opinion. Especially among those responsible for Wikipedia, who have decided to impose a global ban on annual edition by users of the service.

 Wikipedia has decided to block the editing capabilities of all languages ​​to all those who use the dynamic IP addresses belonging to the pool, which belongs to Neostradzie. Lock, which will take a year, was applied to more than half a million addresses. The reason locks are “long, notorious vandalism, of destroying and deleting content encyclopedia articles, web collaboration and user pages, trollowaniu, defamation and application of uttering threats to other users, promoting attitudes and glorification of Nazi war criminals.”

 Wikipedia administrators say that they decided to use this type of collective responsibility (let us add that for the second time in the last three years), because other possible solutions to the problem have been exhausted, and the operator did not respond to requests to intervene in relation to specific subscribers sprawiających the biggest


 Lock edition only logged in users. Users who have an account, still be able to edit the content of articles. Users Neostrada who over the next year would like to join the ranks of Wikipedians, of course they can do it, but first they must send an email to info-ban-en at wikimedia.org with a request to create an account.

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