Saturday, August 29, 2015

NASA is paying this man to … smell things –

Have you ever wondered how it smells watch? Or a photograph? George Aldrich, working for NASA specialist, he must ask himself such questions. I … sniff. Smell everything that astronauts would bring the International Space Station.

If you can not open the windows

The problem of odors seems to be insignificant from the earthly point of view. At the International Space Station may prove to be a gigantic problem. Aldrich is therefore the task of sniffing objects to eliminate those that space will be for unlawful astronauts or threaten their health.

Why the smell should be viewed as restrictive? In earthly terms we get rid of bad odor letting in some fresh air. Really bad smell does not go away – is “diluted”. In space, you can not open the windows, do a draft. Smell “hovers” in the air hindering the proper functioning of the crew.

George Aldrich is an expert who can distinguish between 10,000 smells. To maintain good shape constantly smelling items. Aldrich jokes that by that friends consider him a freak. But without him stay on the International Space Station would be an unpleasant experience.

The story of George Aldrich,

described by the Science Channel last year, we met through an entry in’ll kick.

[for Gizmodo / Science Channel ]


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