Observations during the night “shooting stars” were difficult this year due to airborne dust, glare large cities – said Wojcicki Charles popularizer of astronomy. In the Polish observers bothered cloudy.
Meteora seem to be running out of the constellation Perseus, hence their name – the Perseids . They are also sometimes called “tears of St. Lawrence”, since August 10, that is, during the peak, is the day of his martyrdom.
– This is what seems to us shooting star, in fact, it is just a speck of dust, often no larger than a grain of sand. It falls into the Earth’s atmosphere and friction for it warms up, is burned, and trace this process we observe in the sky as short-lived, fast flash – said Wojcicki popularizer of astronomy with planetarium Charles Heavens of Copernicus – Copernicus Science Centre (CSC) in Warsaw.
Most meteors can be seen when the Earth collides with a plume of gas and dust left by a comet. This happens every year in July and August, when our planet meets with the material left behind by the comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle. Earth its way through her braid, and its particles invade Earth’s atmosphere.
biggest in Poland together observations of shooting stars last few years, the Copernicus Science Centre. This year, interest in the joint stare at the sky came to CSC between the hours. 21 and 2 in the morning.
Just as in previous years – to darken the urban landscape and to facilitate observation – quenched illumination in Warsaw Copernicus Science Centre, a planetarium Copernicus Sky and Discovery Park. Stadium lights also went out of PGE National and Municipal Roads illuminations switched off Świętokrzyski Bridge, Poniatowski and the Silesian-Dabrowski also excluded lighting on the square Kahla. The Warsaw Metro switch off the lighting elements ground part of the metro station Copernicus Science Centre.
This year’s observations do not disturbed moon, which was just at new moon, nor overcast sky. Whereas it appeared quite another serious problem. – For two weeks we have terrible heat and drought. The ambience is so a lot of dust, which perfectly reflected the light in all of Warsaw. Anyone who was yesterday in the Discovery Park could see that the sky – despite the fact that clear – had an orange tint. Such dust meant that despite the lack of clouds lot of phenomena eluded us. The problem of dust is common for the whole country, although many more gave life a misery in
He added, with cloudy biggest problem were the people of north-western Polish, Poznan and Wielkopolska. Overcast was also in Bydgoszcz. Precisely because of the cloudy sky observations translated into falling stars in Szczecin branch of the Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers. They will be held in the Park Dog Kasprowicz at Glade located near the Monument to the Deed of Poles in the night from Thursday to Friday, or from 13 to 14 August.
According to the plan on Friday to observe the sky also invite Gdansk Hewelianum Centre, which organizes ASTROnoc. Even before dusk there will be astronomical observations of the Sun, and after sunset – Perseids, but also other objects of the August sky.
– The Perseids are a swarm, which is active to around 17 August. Over the next night quietly they can even look out over the eastern horizon all night, even though their activity will slowly decrease. More chances they will have especially residents of the western part of the country, where some have begun at night. For them, the transparency will be better, because in Warsaw will have to wait to fully clear the air – said Wojcicki.

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