Sunday, August 30, 2015

At night, the sky appeared Supermoon –

Supermoon can admire. That night the moon might seem to us particularly large because it was very close to the Earth. Supermoon also could be seen in the sky over Polish. See the pictures!

Our natural satellite moves in an orbit that is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse with eccentricity 0.0554. This causes the lunar distance from Earth varies from 363,104 km at perigee (closest point of orbit – and that is what we saw) to 405,696 kilometers in apogee (farthest point of the orbit).

In our natural satellite perigee gives the impression of almost a third higher than when it is at the greatest distance from our planet. It is also about ten percent lighter.

As the researchers point out, Superpełnia is a nice curiosity, which can be used to interest in astronomy wider group of people and an opportunity to encourage people to take to the observations and glance at the starry sky. Assigning her supernatural abilities, skills disasters causing or astrological consequence, however, is nothing more than

a pseudoscientific nonsense.



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