Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hackers reveal more information portal for the disbelievers? In the list of millions of names – Polish Radio

Ashley Madison is a portal used by spouses to organize themselves “running off”. Media speculation has long been that among the stolen information are not only data about users, but also include employees of the company and its board of directors. The case study examines the service computers FBI.


On Friday alleged hackers have advised portal dealing with, among others, Motherboard web themes that broke into computers dating service with no problem.


“We were in Avid Life Media (website owner) long enough to understand everything and get what we wanted. Nobody looked. There was no protection,” – said the group in a message sent to the address of the portal. They noted that they are in possession of approx. 300 GB of data employees and their internal correspondence. However, they assured that they will not disclose information about the rank and file, but did not rule out the possibility of publishing data on the board of the company.


In correspondence with the Motherboard hackers also accused of Avid Life Media about unfair practices and cheating customers. “They earn 100 million a year for the same fraud. (…) They say they do not collect information CC (credit card details). Sure, this does not save as e-mail addresses, they used every day to log on and read. They have asked for CC custom processors. (…) This processor collects the majority of credit card numbers and address data “- stressed hackers. Also they assured that their intention was not blackmail users.


“Life is short. Treat yourself to romance”


The data stealing more than 37 million customers website Ashley Madison hackers showing Impact Team as announced in July, threatening to publish compromising photos, etc. sexual fantasies. They published then compromising data sample and warned that if Ashley Madison website will not be closed, reveal the real names

of his clients, their profiles zdjęciowymi materials, information concerning their credit cards.


The Canadian company Avid Life Media, which includes Ashley Madison, issued a statement stating that it was investigating the matter. Hackers accused of “moral appointed a judge, jury and executioner.”


The real Ashley Madison advertises the slogan “Life is short. Treat yourself affair”. It is estimated that use it 64 million people.


The Associated Press notes that several experts in the field of network security, who reviewed disclosed by hackers data, concluded that they appear to be authentic. Dave Kennedy, head of the company TrustedSec, said that these data include, among others names, password, address, credit card information. He expressed his belief that the hackers had access to systems Ashley Madison “for a long time.”


Source: TVN Agency / x-news




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